welcome to the CSA

CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture.

It is an agreement between farmers and their community.

You invest in the farm’s season by paying up front for your share of the weekly harvest.
Your share will be washed and individually packed up for you every Wednesday.

We follow the traditional CSA model

When you invest in the farm early in the season, you create the possibility of the harvest
as your capital is invested directly into the seeds and tools required to grow your food.

You allow the season to exist.

In exchange, you get to know your food.
You will meet your farmers, see where your food is grown, and be guaranteed the freshest food with the smallest footprint.

You will be exposed to new and exciting vegetables and receive weekly newsletters with farm updates, community announcements, and recipes for your CSA share.

In three easy steps

1 - Read the CSA Member Agreement fully

2 - Browse the options and purchase your share through our online store

3 - Collect your harvest weekly